
“豪沃尔”品牌 HGD3000 应急广播消防电话一体机,集成了消防应急广播设备和总线式消防电话,具有“通话广播”、“互联广播”、“声光互切”、蓝牙音乐音源播放、远程值班话筒、总故障上传输出等工程特色功能。在消防应急应用方面;适用于公共建筑内当发生火灾或应急情况下,通过消防电话确认紧急或火灾事故现场,并根据现场情况,由中心控制室人员通过应急广播对建筑内人员进行告知和疏散。本产品设计初终是适于中小型消防工程,并具有良好的产品性价比,同时具有背景或专用广播应用功能,在目前消防市场上与同类型产品相比,功能更多且更加实用。该系统基于我公司成熟的具有独有知识产权 HWE-BUS 现场总线技术(专利类型:发明专利,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0178430.2/ZL 2007 1 0178354.5/ZL 2007 1 0179219.2)的总线式消防电话和具有精准模拟扬声器检测技术的多线制应急广播控制器技术,消防电话增加一路专线电话线路和将消防电话通话内部通过应急广播进行播放的功能,应急广播具有互联功能,即将多达 32 台 HGD3000 广播单元互联,可实现通过遥控分区控制一体机的应急广播和背景音乐播放,适用于类似校园、医院、机场、社区等建筑群或多建筑物之间网络化控制的工程项目,用户可选配安装内部远程话筒组件,支持不大于 50m 的外接值班话筒遥控的公共广播。

Hover's HGD3000 is the ‘all in one’ device, which intergrates funcitons of voice alarm and fire telephone. As the integration, this system allow user quickly paly out the voice alarm and evacuation message right after fire telephone notification in the case of fire. This system is available for low-end small-scale buidings of which users are more cared about the cost.

HGD3000 develops from Hover's mature fire telephone and voice alarm technology,power amlifier adopts class D digital amplify technology. What's more, system realizes users directly page the telephone voice to the broadcasting area. And also, HGD3000 is able to connect each other to create networking system which enable user to network control allopatric. Therefore, projects like univercity, community, factory, those requires networking controlling projects, is the ideal place for this system installation.

HGD3000 一体机为壁挂形式安装,整合了消防电话和应急广播功能,具有消防电话总线输出(60 个地址)和单路输出各 1 路和具有 8 路共 150W 广播功率输出。

具有电话广播按钮,可在通话期间,将通话内容在本区域内同步播放。采用自主专利 HWE-BUS 双向通信二总线信号控制技术。

具有主机与分机相互呼叫和通话;支持 3 方通话;通话内容自动录音、录音内容可回放。

应急广播部分支持麦克、外线、USB、SD 卡、蓝牙等多种音源,并预制告警和疏散语音和快捷键,按下后可直接进入应急广播模式通过 RS485 联网线使多台一体机组网时,应急广播部分可通过菜单设定某台为应急广播中心主机,可遥控启动其它




声光警报切换可外接 HG230 实现应急广播与声光警报器互相切换功能,切换间隔时间可设置。

HGD3000 Wall-mounted Fire telephone/VA AIO provides both functions fire telephone and voice alarm; this AIO offers 1 busline output (60 addressable) and 1 conventional output for telephone function and 8 loops or 150W power output for VA function.

Able to page the telephone voice to certain broadcasting zone while speaking by pressing the switching key. Adopts self-patent HWE-BUS bus line communication technology.

Fire telephone funciton supports 3 parts-talking; faults alering; talking recording and replaying.

Part of VA provides MIC/OUTER/USB/SD card/BLUE TOOTH etc audio source, and also embedded with fire ‘alert’& ‘evacuate’ voice and shortcut key, while emergency mode can be started after pressing this key.

Part of VA can be networking broadcasting when numbers of VIO network through RS485. Real-time monitoring the broadcasting output lines for fault alerts.

When user speaker to the MIC, voice can be autometically recorded.

Interface for HG230 Light/Voice Switcher is reserved for the switching function between VA and Sound Strobe.

项目名称   Project Name

技术参数 Technical Parameters

供电电压   Rated voltage

AC220V -+1015  %    50Hz±1Hz

一体机地址范围 Max. networking system

0 ~ 31 台 sets

电话地址范围   Telephone extension capacity

1 ~ 60 可编地址 addressable

电话总线控制方式 BUS-Line mode


电话记录   Telephone records

100 条 pcs

电话录音总时长 Recording duration

60 分钟 minutes

电话的其它指标 Telephone features

除本说明书规定外,其它同 HDM3210 Refer to HDM3210

广播分区   VA zone

8 区 loops

每路额定 50W for each loop full-load

广播线负载能力 Loops full-load

首路额定 150W for first loop full-load


每路额定并入音箱数 Parallel output

同规格型号音箱 3 只 Less than 3 speakers

广播录音总时长 VA recording duration

不少于 60 分钟 minutes

外线   Outer-line


Rated level input: 0dBm, imbalance

远程话筒   Remote MIC


Rated level input: 0dBm

定压 120V 输出 output

输出总功率不小于 150W power

功率放大器输出特性 Power amplifier

信噪比不小于 70dB Signal to noise

失真度不大于 5% Distortion

频率响应范围 80Hz ~ 8kHz Frequency range

广播线导频   VA output pilot frequency

不小于 Less than 20kHz

广播的其它指标 VA features

除本说明书规定外,其它同 HGM2101

Refer to HDM3210

a) 电话总故障输出口 Telephone   faults output:干接点输出 dry

connection,触点容量 DC30V 1A

信号端口参数 Signal interface

b) 广播总故障输出口 VA faults output:干接点输出 dry

connection,触点容量 DC30V 1A

c) 广播应急启动输入口 Emergency input:DC24V 电平输入

voltage level

外形尺寸 Dimensions


重量 Weight
